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Marketing Articles for Mediators and Arbitrators

Posts tagged #mediate
How Mediators Can Optimize Google My Business Listings

If you can’t afford to hire a digital marketing agency or SEO professionals, there are lots of tools that you can use for free to optimize your search rankings and one of which is the Google My Business.

As the name implies, Google My Business is a tool (free) provided by Google for businesses to manage how their details are listed in search. With this tool, you will be able to manage your locations on Google Maps as well as online reviews

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Building Your Own Think Tank

How can you build a Board of your own? Seek out those individuals in your area that are successful business people. They will provide you much needed advice and may become tremendous advocates of ADR. Also seek out some of the successful resolutionists in your area to serve as both ADR and business mentors. Explain your current position as well as your goals and endeavors. Go to them with specific questions and challenges that your practice is facing and listen carefully to their advice. My experience has been that the advice from my Advisory Board has been a treasure trove of information that no college degree could ever provide.

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The Personal Touch

One of the most rewarding things about being an entrepreneur and a mediator is how you personally identify with your company. Since most of us are solo-practitioners we tend to feel tremendous pride in our practice creation. However, too frequently practitioners treat their practices in an officious and overformal way. Instead try treating your small business a little more warmth.

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Three Ways To Grow Your Practice (or How to Make More Money)

A confession: I have a reading disorder.
A serious vice that requires between 2 and 5 books each week to be satiated. I am a bookstore owner's fantasy and my library's least profit-producing cardholder.

On that note - while in my favorite bookstore, perusing the business section, I began to count the number of books that attempt to tell you how to grow your business. I lost count, then lost interest. Now I have spent hundreds of dollars and euros to own a good number of these kinds of books, and have read even more of them. If they're good, they eventually get around telling you that the following 3 activities are key to growing any business.

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Are You Ready?

Unless you’re already exceptionally well positioned, getting business coming to you will take time. How long it will take depends on how ready you are. You might find that you’re ready immediately. Conversely you might find that you have several weeks or months to get yourself and your practice in a position to begin attracting clients. If you rush into trying to get business without positioning yourself solidly, you’ll just have to go back later and redevelop your practice into a better position.

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Don’t Get Lost

Getting lost or overwhelmed by all the choices in social media platforms is easy to do. It wasn't always this way. Until the late 1990's marketing and promoting a practice was as easy buying space in newspapers and periodicals or on TV, and doing some smart networking to build trust and lasting relationships. That was it. That was the magic bullet.

But in today's market there's no such thing as a magic bullet.

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I rather like the new normal.

Although I do miss the first two versions of conferences and meetings, they were expensive, complicated and sometimes difficult processes. This new normal has its own challenges for sure, but if new effort is required, we have the chance to do what we’ve always done in the resolution industry, which is figure out what works and to commit to it.

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How to Make Money from Pro-Bono Cases

Volunteering can be a great way to gain experience, lighten the load on your local court docket, help people who really need help, and meet turn potential clients into prospective clients and then into paying clients.  But don’t let volunteering distract you from doing what you know you need to do – build your practice. Be a businessperson first.  Be a business person who happens to specialize in ADR, but be a smart businessperson.  

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