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Marketing Articles for Mediators and Arbitrators

Posts in ADR
Making Marketing Authentic

Most people who get into mediation or other ADR services don’t do it because they love to market their services. For many of us, marketing has a pejorative feel to it; marketing feels unprofessional for a professional service industry. Yet, because so much of the public is unfamiliar with the types of services that ADR practitioners offer, and with less support from litigation attorneys than we’d like, we need to find an authentic, comfortable way to market our services and mediation programs.

Written by Diana Mercer

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Why You Should Not Pause Marketing Your Mediation Practice During Coronavirus

What has not changed is that no matter the situation mediators and arbitrators are finding themselves in, there is one goal among all of them. Finding a way to keep their practices thriving.

When this is over (and it will end) things will be business as usual. Stopping your marketing efforts in the midst of something like this is a lot like deciding to give up your diet and exercise regime because you are stuck at home. I don’t want that for you. I want you and all my clients to surface from this in better shape than when we went into living with this virus.

The best way to do that, is to keep your marketing efforts going and your mediation or arbitration practice growing.

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Three Ways To Grow Your Practice (or How to Make More Money)

A confession: I have a reading disorder.
A serious vice that requires between 2 and 5 books each week to be satiated. I am a bookstore owner's fantasy and my library's least profit-producing cardholder.

On that note - while in my favorite bookstore, perusing the business section, I began to count the number of books that attempt to tell you how to grow your business. I lost count, then lost interest. Now I have spent hundreds of dollars and euros to own a good number of these kinds of books, and have read even more of them. If they're good, they eventually get around telling you that the following 3 activities are key to growing any business.

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