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Marketing Articles for Mediators and Arbitrators

Why You Should Not Pause Marketing Your Mediation Practice During Coronavirus

I get it.  It’s pretty weird outside.  None of us were prepared for Covid19 and it has thrown most of us for a pretty serious loop.  But some things remain the same.  I still wake up early every morning, jump on the elliptical and listen to a bunch of podcasts about entrepreneurship and marketing.  And just like you, I still go about serving my clients with integrity, honesty, and help them find innovative business and marketing solutions. 

One thing that has changed is how many of my clients seem to be overwhelmed by fear and uncertainty.  They worry about their practices or their job security, their friends and families, their colleagues, home schooling their children, maybe even food insecurity, and more.  It’s a lot to worry about. 

But in my humble opinion the resolution industry has responded with astounding flexibility, availability, and innovation.  As a group we were able to pivot into Online Resolution impressively fast.

What has not changed is that no matter the situation mediators and arbitrators are finding themselves in, there is one goal among all of them. Finding a way to keep their practices thriving. 

When this is over (and it will end) things will be business as usual. Stopping your marketing efforts in the midst of something like this is a lot like deciding to give up your diet and exercise regime because you are stuck at home. I don’t want that for you.  I want you and all my clients to surface from this in better shape than when we went into living with this virus.  

The best way to do that, is to keep your marketing efforts going and your mediation or arbitration practice growing.

Here’s why: Going dark on places like your social media platforms, Google My Business or even your blog, can be confusing for potential clients and parties when it comes to figuring out if your business is “still open and credible.”

Actions to take right now: 

Be open to different ideas and willing to pivot. If you had been resisting working with clients and parties online in the past, why not give it a try? Sometimes the ideas that you think will be the biggest fail end up being the most successful.

At a minimum I encourage you to continue posting on social media three to five times per week so that you can maintain your social presence during this time.   And if you’re more motivated try one or all these tips:

Ø  Reach out to periodicals and blogs and offer to write an article for their readers. 

Ø  Connect with your target markets’ organizations and volunteer to be a presenter for a webinar.

Ø  Think about designing and delivering an online training to help the professionals within your target markets to improve their situations.

Ø  Finally write that book you’ve always been thinking about

Ø  Start a blog

Ø  Start a podcast

Ø  Start a YouTube channel

Ø  Send handwritten ‘how are you doing’ notes to clients

Ø  Get new photos for your social media profiles

Ø  Update your profile on all your social media platforms

Ø  Read a book, subscribe to podcast, and/or watch a video about entrepreneurship

Ø  Read a book, subscribe to podcast, and/or watch a video about marketing

Ø  Do a little research to see what your perceived competition is doing right now

Ø  Revamp your website

The point is that there’s so much you can do to keep your practice alive and well during Covid19 AND prepare yourself to thrive in the future.  If you’re not sure how or have too many other things on your plate to add a new concept in the mix? No problem.  I can help make this time easier. Contact me for a free 30 minute consultation and together we’ll create the solution that you need.  

Stay home, stay safe, and stay in touch.