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Marketing Articles for Mediators and Arbitrators

Which Social Media Platform Is Right For You And Your Mediation Practice?

Choosing the social media platform that’s right for you and your practice doesn’t need to be a daunting experience.  I recommend to clients that they should actively engage on the platform preferred by their clients and prospective clients.  For most mediators and arbitrators that’s going to be LinkedIn.  LinkedIn is undoubtedly the preferred network for professionals around the globe, and with two professionals joining this network every second, it will witness tremendous usage.

To leverage this network effectively, you should publish about your brand, services, practice culture, and announcements regularly.

But if you mediate cases for unrepresented parties or clients who are under the age of 45, you might want to include Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram as well. 

And if you don’t know which of any of these might be most effective, consider some statistics recently compiled by Social Pilot

A few of the juiciest stats are below.  I’ve culled through the Social Pilot stats article for what I think are the most interesting and applicable statistics for you.  Of course, if you’re a little nerdy (like me) you’ll have fun clicking the hyperlink to Social Pilot above and viewing the full article.

As I mentioned above, LinkedIn has proved to be the place for the resolution industry.  The stats for LinkedIn are listed last so that you can scroll to the bottom of this article if you don’t have the time or patience to look at Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter stats. 

In order to make the most of your time, money, and efforts to engage with clients and prospective clients on social media in such a way that a valuable business relationship is established, read, really read through the stats below and think about how this information applies to you and your practice growth goals.  And then, most importantly, take action. 

Take action and start posting, sharing, commenting, tagging, using hashtags, recording videos, and then ultimately, leverage those activities into dialogues and appropriate business relationships.  After all, that’s the reason we’re all on social media to begin with. To develop authentic and hopefully profitable (in whatever way your practice describes ‘profitable’).  


Let’s start with Facebook:  Facebook (now Meta) has adopted several new features taking inspiration from various other platforms. Reels from Instagram, live audio rooms and podcasts, live game streaming, and even live shopping.  And they’ve introduced new policies and features to help businesses, brands, and influencers monetize their content.


Facebook Demographics:

·       81% of all adults in the United States have a Facebook account.

·       The United States, Indonesia, and Brazil also have 200 million, 140 million, and 130 million Facebook users, respectively.

·       Between the ages of 25 and 34, 12.5% of all active Facebook users are female, and 19% are male.

·       75% of high-income earners use Facebook.


Facebook Usage Stats

·       1.93 billion people on average log into Facebook daily.

·       Facebook is the world’s third-most downloaded app.

·       Over 1.8 billion people now use Facebook Groups every month.

·       There are more than 70 million admins and moderators running active Facebook groups.

·       1 billion Facebook Stories are shared daily.

·       60.6% of all social media users use Facebook.


Facebook Engagement Stats

·       More than 4 billion video views take place on Facebook every day.

·       Facebook engagement increases by 18% on Thursday and Friday.

·       A video post increases interaction by 600% on Facebook.

·       85% of videos watched on Facebook are on mute.

·       A live video engagement is 26% on Facebook, higher than any other social media platform.

·       Facebook videos with captions increase the watch time by 12%.

·       49.9% of all posts are link posts, making it the most common Facebook content. This is followed by images and videos.


Facebook Business Stats

·       There are more than 200 million businesses on Facebook.

·       44% of users admit that Facebook influences their shopping decision.

·       More than 160 million businesses use Facebook to interact with their customers.

·       62% of people acknowledged they have become more interested in a brand after watching its Facebook stories.

·       The average organic reach for a Facebook post is 6.4% of the page’s total likes.


Facebook Ads Insights

·       2.28 billion people can be reached through adverts on Facebook.

·       43.5% of the ad audience is female, while 56.5% is male.

·       Adding a CTA button boosts the conversion rate by 2.85 times.

·       Cost-per-clicks are most expensive on Fridays and cheapest on Sundays.

·       The average cost-per-click is $1.86 on Facebook.

·       A CTA in the middle of the video has witnessed a higher conversion rate of 16.95%.

·       The cost of a video ad is 10% of carousel or single image ads.

·       Audiences aged 18-24 spend 75% of their time on Facebook watching video ads.

·       71% of shoppers feel they see relevant video ads on Facebook.

·       A Facebook user clicks on an average of 8 ads a month.



Moving on to Instagram

This year, Instagram got its own professional dashboard for business and creator accounts.

It also traded swipe-up links for stickers, introduced Remix for Reels, and introduced a Collab feature for posts and Reels. These new features are in tune with Meta’s vision of bringing together an array of features that help brands and businesses.


Instagram Demographics Stats

·       Instagram has more than 2 billion active users.

·       64% of Instagrammers are under 34 years.

·       The 25-34 year old age group is the largest of the demographics, attributing to 31.

·       Daily active users of Instagram stories are 500 million.

·       17.6% of the world population uses Instagram.

·       Instagram has 51.6% female and 48.4% male audiences.


Instagram Usage Stats

·       About 6 in 10 Instagram users log in at least once daily.

·       21% of users log in weekly, and 16% log in less often than that.

·       38% of users log in to the platform multiple times.

·       The average time spent on Instagram is 28 minutes.

·       70% of the people watch Instagram stories daily.


Instagram Engagement Stats

·       The average engagement rate for all post types is 0.83%.

·       The average engagement rate for photo posts is 0.81%, video posts is 0.61%, and carousel posts is 1.08%.

·       Longer captions get better engagement.

·       On average, 10.7 hashtags are used in Instagram posts.

·       Instagram has 58% more engagement per follower than Facebook.

·       100 million Instagrammers watch or launch live videos daily.

·       Photos with faces perform almost 40% better than without faces.

·       Videos get 21.2% more engagement compared to images.

·       Posts with at least one hashtag average 12.6% more engagement.

·       Instagram users engage more on weekdays, with Wednesday and Thursday showing the most engagement.

·       80% of the stories with voiceover or music drive better low funnel results than ads with no sound.

·       Posts with tagged locations get 79% more engagement.


Instagram Business Stats

·       More than 25 million businesses use Instagram to promote their services and products.

·       90% of accounts follow at least one business on Instagram.

·       2 in 3 people surveyed believe Instagram enables interaction with brands.

·       81% of Instagrammers use the platform for researching new products and services.

·       44% of businesses use stories to promote their products.

·       67% of users watch branded stories.

·       83% of Instagram users discover new products and services on the platform.

·       Instagram business accounts post an average of 1 post daily.


Instagram Ads Insights

·       50% of Instagram users are more interested in a brand when they see ads on Instagram.

·       The U.S. has the highest potential Instagram advertising reach, followed by India and Brazil.

·       75% of Instagrammers take action on at least one ad.

·       The highest Instagram advertising audience is from the 25-34 age group, which is 32.3% of all Instagrammers.

·       48.4% of the ad audience on Instagram is female, and 51.6% is male.

·       Video ads have 3x more engagement than photos.


Let’s look at Twitter.  Twitter introduced new features, like Safety mode, misinformation label, Prompts, etc., helped ensure conversations were safer and meaningful for everyone.

Twitter also made monetizing easier for businesses and creators with Super Follows, Ticketed Spaces, Tips, and Twitter Blue.


Twitter Demographics Stats

·       Twitter has 211 million daily active users, while the monthly active users are 330 million.

·       83% of the world’s leaders are on Twitter.

·       27.9% of global Twitter users are aged between 18 and 24 years.

·       77.8 million active users are from the U.S., while 58.2 million users are from Japan and 24.5 million active users from India.

·       29.6% of Twitter users are female, and 70.4% are men.

·       42% of all Twitter users are college graduates.

·       77% of Twitter users earn more than $75,000+ each year.


Twitter Usage Stats

·       26% of U.S. users check Twitter multiple times in a day.

·       46% of all Twitter users visit the platform daily.

·       The average time spent on Twitter is 3 minutes and 39 seconds.

·       The total number of tweets sent per day is 500 million.

·       The half-life of a tweet is 24 minutes.

·       The daily limit is 2400 tweets and 1000 messages per day.


Twitter Engagement Stats

·       The average number of hashtags used each day on Twitter is 125 million.

·       Tweets with hashtags have witnessed engagement by 100% for individuals and 50% for brands.

·       Using 1-2 hashtags can get you 21% more engagement.

·       Tweets with more than 2 hashtags might have 17% lesser engagement.

·       Hashtagged tweets have a 55% more chance of being retweeted.

·       Twitter’s timeline generates +31% higher emotional connection and +28% higher levels of memorability versus the social media average.

·       Tweets with a GIF gain 55% more engagement than those without.

·       People watch 2 billion videos on Twitter daily.


Twitter Business Stats

·       67% of B2B businesses use Twitter as their marketing tool.

·       50% of consumers use Twitter, while 36% follow brands on Twitter.



Twitter Ads Insights

·       436 million people can be reached with adverts on Twitter.

·       Ads with no hashtag received 23% more engagement.

·       29.6% of ad audiences are female, and 70.4% are male.

·       The highest reach ranking of Twitter ads is witnessed in the U.S., followed by Japan.

·       The majority of ad audiences on Twitter are males from the age group of 25-34 and females from the 18-24 age group.

·       Advertisers saw a rise of 89% in video completion rates.

·       Total ad engagement increased by 32% year on year.



Twitter provides immense possibilities for brands and individuals to communicate with their audience quickly. You need to schedule engaging tweets at the right time, monitor brand mentions, respond quickly, reach out to influencers, and collaborate with other brands for cross-promotion, analysis, and much more.


With so much to do, it becomes essential to manage it effectively using Twitter tools like Socialpilot, MeetEdgar, Keyhole, Canva etc.


And lastly here are some stats for LinkedIn (the primary social media marketing platform for mediators, arbitrators and attorneys)


LinkedIn said hello to Stories, Live streaming videos, Newsletters, Audio Events, and Video Meetings. Other cool features is the name pronunciation which allows users to record and add the correct pronunciation of their names to their profiles and video avatar that let’s viewers on your profile see a brief video about you and your practice. 


LinkedIn has grown into a platform to share world-changing thoughts and ideas for businesses, brands, and professionals alike.


Craft your marketing strategies taking insights from the below statistics and leverage your LinkedIn activities to leave an impact.


LinkedIn Demographics Stats

·       The population of LinkedIn is more than 800 million from 200 countries.

·       There are 180 million users from the U.S. on LinkedIn.

·       There are 56.6% of male users and 43.4% female users on LinkedIn.

·       After the U.S., India(81 million), China(54 million), and Brazil(51 million) have the highest number of LinkedIn users.

·       There are 180 million senior-level influencers.

·       LinkedIn has 65 million decision-makers and 10 million C-level executives.

·       Almost 60% of LinkedIn users are in the age group of 25-34.

·       60% of the U.S. LinkedIn users earn $100,000/year.


LinkedIn Usage Stats

·       3 professionals join LinkedIn every second, with 172800 new users every single day.

·       57% of LinkedIn traffic is from mobile devices.

·       91% of executives rate LinkedIn as their first choice for professionally relevant content.

·       There are 9 billion content impressions in LinkedIn feeds every week.

·       2 million posts, articles, and videos are published on LinkedIn every day.

·       3 million users post on LinkedIn every week.

·       4 in every 10 millionaires are active LinkedIn users.

·       Only 1 million users have published an article on LinkedIn.

·       About 45% of LinkedIn article readers are in upper-level positions (managers, VPs, Directors, C-level).

·       39% of LinkedIn users never share content, while 16% of the profiles actively share multiple posts every week.

·       On average, users spend 7 minutes 12 seconds on LinkedIn.

·       The average visit duration on LinkedIn is 8.52 minutes.

·       Users visit an average of 6.4 pages on LinkedIn before leaving.

·       LinkedIn Live streams witnessed a 437% year-on-year increase in views.


LinkedIn Engagement Stats

·       22.04% of LinkedIn traffic comes from search alone.

·       99.63% of LinkedIn search traffic comes from organic search.

·       LinkedIn Pages with complete information get 30% more weekly views compared to others.

·       There is a 50% rise in engagement year-over-year on LinkedIn.

·       Companies posting weekly see an engagement rise by 2x on LinkedIn.

·       98% of marketers on LinkedIn agree that personalization helps advance customer relationships.

·       According to LinkedIn, companies that post 20 times per month reach at least 60% of their unique audience.

·       Including the links in a post can drive twice the engagement than a post without it on LinkedIn.

·       Images on average result in a 98% higher comment rate than without on LinkedIn.

·       Links to Youtube videos play directly in the LinkedIn feed and typically give a 75% higher share rate.

·       Long-form content gets the most shares on LinkedIn, so aiming for between 1700-2100 words should give your content a boost.

·       LinkedIn articles with 8 images and 5,7, or 9 headlines are best for engagements.

·       Messages sent have increased 35% year-over-year on LinkedIn.

·       Weekly LinkedIn members who engage heavily with content are 5x more likely to return daily.

·       Listing 5 or more skills on your LinkedIn profile can lead to up to 17x more views.


LinkedIn Business Stats

·       46% of social media traffic to the company’s website comes from LinkedIn.

·       45% of marketers have gained customers through LinkedIn.

·       Lead Gen Forms on LinkedIn can increase conversions by 3x.

·       89% of B2B marketers rely on LinkedIn for lead generation.

·       62% of B2B marketers generate leads on LinkedIn successfully, over double the next-highest social channel.

·       4 out of 5 LinkedIn users drive business decisions.

·       52% of buyers list LinkedIn as the most influential channel during their research process.

·       InMail has a 300% higher response rate than email, with a 10-25% hit rate on LinkedIn.

·       LinkedIn is generating revenue for 38% of B2B marketers.

·       80% of B2B leads coming from social media are from LinkedIn.

·       97% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to help drive their content marketing strategy.

·       92% of B2B marketers have LinkedIn included in their digital marketing mix.

·       15% of Linkedin users are senior-level influencers.

·       As per Linkedin, an average of 10 content pieces are considered before making a purchasing decision.


LinkedIn Ads Insights

·       43.4% of ad audiences are female, and 56.6% are male.

·       Sponsored InMail has an opening rate of 52% on LinkedIn.

·       LinkedIn Message Ads have a 40% conversion rate.

·       65% of B2B companies have generated a customer through LinkedIn paid ads.

·       The cost per lead is 28% lower than on Google AdWords on LinkedIn.

·       The average conversion rate of video ads on LinkedIn for the U.S. is 6.1%, more than any other contemporary platform.

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