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Marketing Articles for Mediators and Arbitrators

Branding Tips for Building a Successful Legal Practice

Branding is an essential aspect of any business, but when you’re an attorney, mediator, or arbitrator, it’s important to do so in a way that also markets yourself. It can be a challenge to strike a balance between your business and your professional identity that encompasses both the services you offer and shows clients why they can trust you; however, there are many different types of branding services available these days that will help you do just that.


You can also look for online resources that offer tips and support to individuals like yourself. Marketing Resolution (MR) is a great place to start. Here are a few simple ways to start building a brand identity for your legal practice:


Research your target audience


Before you can start creating your business identity, it’s critical to research your target audience. Who are your potential clients, and what are their needs? What is their average income? Where do they live? What are their internet habits? You can find these answers by conducting client surveys or social media polls, as well as through data analytics. It’s also a good idea to stay on top of trends in your industry to find out whether there is a gap you can fill. All of this information will go into your marketing plan and help you deliver your services to the right people.


Don’t forget about your competition


While you’re researching your audience, it’s important not to forget about your competitors. Learning all you can about their website, clients, and general business practices will help you figure out what you need to be doing–and what you should avoid. Do they stick to a particular niche? What are their fees like? In performing this research, you can learn how to set your practice apart from others and how to better reach your clients. For instance, if your competitors offer limited hours, you can adjust your schedule to accommodate a wider time frame and make that information a clear aspect of your marketing strategy.


Know your strengths


Creating your marketing strategy and forging a brand identity can be complicated simply because the process involves so many details, from your social media pages to billboard advertising. Note that while your brand encompasses all of your business, your brand identity is focused on the visual, recognizable aspects, such as a logo.


Once you understand both your target client and your competition, it’s important to understand which projects you can tackle yourself and which are best left to the pros. For instance, you can utilize an online template to create an interesting, unique logo for your practice that looks professional, but you might want to hire a designer to help with your website to ensure your clients will find it accessible and easy to navigate. Knowing what your strengths are will help you avoid any issues from the very beginning.


Build relationships


As someone in a service-based industry, it’s essential that you make an effort to reach out and forge connections with the individuals you’re working with, as this will go hand-in-hand with a good brand strategy. Showing what you can offer through marketing and actually following through with it are two different things, so building relationships is crucial. This might mean staying in touch with former clients through email or postcards or networking at industry events to meet new people. Remember that it’s not just about garnering clients; it’s also about showing up for others to support and guide them.


Creating a brand strategy as a legal professional can take a little time, but it’s a crucial aspect of the business. Making yourself available to your clients, maintaining great communication, and following through with promises are a few ways you can start off on the right foot as you figure out your identity.


Ready to get in touch with the pros at Marketing Resolution? Reach out today to find out more about fees or book an appointment.


 Written for MR Lance Cody-Valdez by

Photo via Pexels