Marketing Mediators and Arbitrators Worldwide Since 1995
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Marketing Articles for Mediators and Arbitrators


Whether you convene your cases yourself, have an assistant make the necessary contacts or belong to a professional tribunal – don’t kid yourself; convening and marketing go hand in hand. 

How your conduct yourself on the phone and in writing, how you answer the parties’ questions, the way in which you collect information, and whether or not you can get reluctant parties to come to the table – it’s all marketing and customer service.  One of the key ingredients is moving a potential case into the active mediation process.  This frequently proves to be one of the greatest challenges for providers.  It can be most difficult when the parties are unrepresented or involved in a highly emotional dispute.

Since Marketing Resolution is always in search of resources to assist providers in strengthening their skills both as mediators and arbitrators as well as powerful marketers, we’d like to direct you to where Mrs. Joyce Odidison offers seminars and workshops that will help you and your clients to prepare for mediation as well as a fantastic workbook (and many other books) for you and your clients.  Her site claims that the Pre-Mediation Workbook will increase your rate of successful mediation by approximately 90%.  The Pre-Mediation Workbook offers over 40 mediation preparedness tips and tools, will help you move potential cases from the convening process to the mediation process, transform high conflict into powerful bargaining and negotiating opportunities, reduce caucusing, gain tools to explore and deal with suppressed anger, and apply strategies to curb any power imbalance before mediation.

As marketing goes, it doesn’t get much better than Mrs. Odidison’s Pre-Mediation Workbook to help you move potential cases from convening into the hearing room.

***If you have a resource, tool, tip or technique that you’d like to share with our industry, drop us a line, send us a sample, or email a link and we’ll convey the information to our colleagues.