Marketing a Meditation Practice is Like Working Out

In trying explain the best ways in which to market a mediation practice, I have found an analogy that I think I everyone will understand – even if there’s no first hand experience.  Let’s talk about working out.  You know the tradition workout at gym, or in your living room, maybe hiking a mountain, or cycling beautiful trails.  Maybe you’re a swimmer or runner?  Regardless, I think there some interesting parallels between marketing a meditation practice and working out.

We all understand that if we go to the gym and lift weights today, it’s good for us.  We also understand that after that workout if we look in the mirror we’re very unlikely to see immediate results.  The same will be true tomorrow.  And the day after that, and the day after that.  It takes a tenacity and consistency to make big changes in our fitness, strength, and flexibility. 


Just like working out, marketing a meditation practice doesn’t yield immediate results. It’s a long-term commitment. In fitness, you don’t get fit overnight, it takes consistent effort over time. Similarly, building a brand and attracting a dedicated audience in the meditation space is a gradual process.

In both domains, tenacity is key. When you’re working out, there will be days when you don’t see progress, or when you’d rather do anything else. The same goes for marketing - there will be campaigns that don’t work out, or times when engagement is low. But it’s important to stay the course, learn from these experiences, and keep going.


Flexibility is another shared trait. In fitness, it’s about adapting your workout to your body’s needs and capabilities. In marketing, it’s about adjusting your strategy based on market trends, feedback, and results. Being rigid in either case can lead to injury or failure.  Think about where your potential clients are and put yourself in front of them.  Do they prefer in-person presentations?  Are they loving social media?  And if so, which platform?  Maybe they’re keen on trainings or have a preference for reading about topic issues?

The idea, is to be flexible.  Meet your clients where they are.


Strength in fitness is about more than just lifting heavy weights. It’s about building core stability and endurance. In marketing, think about your particular process or practice strength. This could be seen as your brand’s unique selling proposition - what makes you stand out from the crowd. It’s about building a strong foundation that can withstand market fluctuations.


Finally, consistency is perhaps the most important factor in both working out and marketing. In fitness, skipping workouts won’t get you closer to your goal. Similarly, inconsistent messaging or sporadic marketing efforts can confuse your audience and dilute your brand.  Stay on it.  Create a production calendar that keeps your marketing activities (writing, speaking, training, networking, and social media) moving ahead on a regular basis.

So, as we can see, marketing a meditation practice and working out have more in common than one might think. They both require time, tenacity, flexibility, strength, and above all, consistency. So let’s approach our marketing efforts the same way we would approach our workouts - with dedication, adaptability, and a commitment to consistent growth.


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