Marketing Resolution

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Are You Ready? Number 5 in a series of 6

Number 5 in a series of 6 questions that deal with whether or not you’re ready to get business to come to you instead of having to spend your time drumming it up.  Odds are that you’re eager to get word-of-mouth and mindshare marketing working for you.

But are you ready to do what it takes to get it?

Unless you’re already exceptionally well positioned, getting business coming to you will take time.  How long it will take depends on how ready you are.  You might find that you’re ready immediately.  Conversely you might find that you have several weeks or months to get yourself and your practice in a position to begin attracting clients.  If you rush into trying to get business without positioning yourself solidly, you’ll just have to go back later and get into a better position.

This week’s question:

Do you have a long-term plan to reach your prospects and then maintain their attention to create mindshare?


Are your marketing efforts sporadic and inconsistent?

If you’re like most providers you already know that you need to market your practice.  And every now and then you take a step or two in that direction.  You may write letters to prospects or clients, have begun to create a practice image, opened your social media accounts, hired someone to design a web site for you or network within your target market’s associations.

These are all effective tools with which to market to your practice.  But are you using them to the best of their capacity and your benefit?

Probably not.

In order to effectively create mindshare and maintain mindshare with prospects and clients you need to establish a year-long plan of communication and campaigning.  Each contact you have with your target market should build on the next as though one continuous conversation were being had.  By contacting your target market  periodically with information about their industry and the benefits ADR can provide it, you are far more likely to be chosen when a dispute arises.

Why not start now?

Take out your calendar and make a plan!

If you need help in creating your plan just give me call.  I’ll be happy to help lead you through the process as well as brainstorm with you to create some inexpensive and creative ways to reach your market.